Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thin Gray Gruel

I do not trust the state, a loathsome beast which offers a teat for suckling its thin stream of gray gruel in return for our dreams. I do not trust the state, a torture-war machine using every immoral means to justify a glorious end which never comes. I do not trust the state, a monolithic monster which gives the illusion of a voting choice between one of its double-speak mouths.

I trust the LifeForce, that Spirit moving through every flower, through every laughing dancing soul. I trust the LifeForce which sings through our blood and bathes our hearts and brains in fires of burning love. I trust the LifeForce which always bursts asunder the artificial constraints and bounds of puny man and floods the universe with its uncontrollable laughter, grace, and mystery.
To which shall we declare allegiance? Allegiance to the state or allegiance to the visions and dreams of our heart? 

Mister Jesus was asked by some folk always looking to trip him up if they should pay taxes. Jesus said, Give me a coin. They did. He said, Whose image is on this? They said, Caesar. Jesus flipped it back and said, Give it to the sucker (my paraphrase). And give God what belongs to God.

I think that kind of puts it in perspective. God is the dreamer of the heart. Toss the coin back and give the Dreamer of your heart the dreams of your heart. All essential action follows.

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